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Building Europe’s Centre of Excellence on Inclusive Gender Equality in R&I
Creating Knowledge and Engaging in Collaborative Action

INSPIRE develops innovative tools and knowledge to address intersecting inequalities across the public and private sectors and geographical regions in Europe.

Learn more

Our work
Produce high-quality research on inclusive gender equality in Research and Innovation
Tools & Services
Develop methods, indicators and services to drive and steer change towards inclusive gender equality
Create a sustainable and effective support eco-system for equality practitioners
Provide evidence to facilitate effective dialog among research, practitioners and policy makers
Knowledge & Support Hubs
Four thematic Knowledge and Support Hubs provide a bi-directional gateway between research and equality practitioners. Each Hub will carry out dedicated research and support three Communities of Practice.
Sustaining change
Sustaining change
Sustaining and deepening change in the R&I ecosystem.
Widening participation
Widening participation
Widening participation and reach of GEPs
Integrating an intersectional approach to equality
Promoting gender sensitive innovation communities and policies in the private sector
About us

We are a group of leading academic institutions and research organisations with extensive experience and knowledge of Gender Equality policies and practices.

Meet the partners   
Meet the Advisory Board   
Meet the Change Catalysts

Rachel Louise Palmén
INSPIRE aims to build up the knowledge base and provide support for inclusive gender equality plans, providing the know-how on how to take an intersectional approach to gender equality in research organisations.
Rachel Louise Palmén, INSPIRE Coordinator and senior researcher at UOC
Knowledge and Support Hubs
Communities of Practice
Institutions contribute to INSPIRE goals
Equality Change Catalysts
Latest news and events
Save the date: 29 and 31 May 2024, INSPIRE training sessions
Join the INSPIRE training sessions on the GEAM (Gender Equality Audit and Monitoring) Tool

INSPIRE will host a workshop consisting of two training sessions dedicated to the Gender Equality Audit and Monitoring (GEAM) tool, on 29 and 31 May 2024, from 2 to 5 PM CEST, via Zoom. The link will be provided to participants upon registration via email.

Visual for the blog post: benefits and challenges to EDI in research and innovation
Benefits and challenges to EDI in research and innovation
The article explores EDI policy and the value it brings to science institutions, while also looking into the criticism it has faced in recent years because of politicisation.
INSPIRE KSH4: Innovation
Join the KSH4: Innovation Kick-off Event (9 April)

The INSPIRE team is excited to invite you to one of its Knowledge & Support Hubs (KSH) events! This time, KSH4, dealing with gendered innovations in the private sector and led by our partners Fraunhofer ISI and Joanneum Research, is organising a kick-off event for its Communities of Practice.